Dungeon Dice 2-4 players
This sounds a lot like and is very similar to Dungeon Roll. In this game, you grab a baddie die out of a bag and roll to see how bad it is. You then roll whatever equipment and experience you have available (also dice) to kill it. Well, you could. You could also get help from another player or simply run away. If the sum total you roll is higher than the sum total roll of the monsters roll, you win a small or large prize (also dice), and if the baddie was badass enough, fame points (dice as well). Whoever gets 4 fame points first wins.
I started out with a few really hard monsters and the other guy started out with a few easy ones. Soon enough it was the host and I doing what we could to not make the other guy win. He won anyway.
It's an okay game, but I'm not sold on it. I'd play it again if it was brought out and maybe I'd improve, but in the end it suffers from the fact that you can't really strategize much. If you pull and roll a real bad baddie, you either run or risk letting another player get some of the rewards too. I had a lot of dice in the game I never used. Other than gaining experience, I never really felt like I was going anywhere. I was really just treading water. Dungeon Roll probably suffers from this more, but it's a much shorter game.
We finished up with Legendary Encounters. We played the first movie like last time. I eventually had an alien burst out of my chest. With the medic gone, the other two did their best to kill anything before it could get them. They got to the 3rd objective before they met their demise. Aliens are mean.
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