We started with King of Tokyo. It was Carl, Thom, Liz and I. Liz died in Tokyo and was out early. It was a battle mostly for points between the three of us. Carl got the victory point win.
We ate after that, but Becky was eager to play Alhambra. While we (Carl, Becky, Liz, and I) got going on that, the rest of them started playing Rack-O. I'm not sure how Rack-O went, but Carl took and early lead in Alhambra that he never let go of. It made the game a little boring. What made it irritating is that Carl was complaining about not doing well.
After a little more Nintendo and Becky, Carl, and the kids left, we broke out some more tabletop games starting with...
Liz spotted this game at Target and was intrigued. It had a cute little apple spinner that you could push and it would spin a wheel and show a random icon. She just had to have it. It plays a lot like the original game, but with a few improvements. Every card has a red and green word. This gives the players options when it's their turn to be the judge. They get to pick the word that they want people to vie for. This means you can get rid of a crappy red word without wasting a turn. Also, the judge not only votes for the best but also the worst match. The worst card player spins the apple of fate and suffers the penalty. This could mean they only have 4 cards the rest of the game or they have to play their next card before they know the word. See, so much better than the original.
It was a pretty entertaining game. It wasn't laugh out loud great, but it made the time enjoyable. Carol had a long streak of being judged as the worst match. Thom was the victor by far.
We still had time for another game so I pulled out...
Wordie Wars 3-8 players
Another game that Liz got from working the home goods department. It's a trivia based game. The questions are all obviously word based. A player rolls two dice. One die gives you a category for the question and the other die determines who your partner is. Every question you get correct wins you and your partner a random letter. The first person who can get enough letters to spell a 5-letter word is the winner. I'm okay with this one. I still get my ass handed to me most of the time.
I started out well. I was able to get 5 letters first, but GLOUV wasn't a word. Sarah and Liz each got a 5th letter, but TREEO and HIPIB also aren't words. I can't remember exactly when it happened or what word it was, but Sarah was deemed the nerdiest of words.
I like this game a lot more with 5-players than I do 3. It lengthens the game and makes you feel like you have more opportunities.
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