Pandemic: The Cure 2-5 players
This is the dice game version of Pandemic. I try to play the games in order for the blog so that makes sense to people, but it just didn't happen this time.
In the game, you are traveling to different continents to get rid of 4 unique infectious diseases. On a player's turn, they roll their character's custom dice. You can re-roll any die as may times as you'd like, but if you roll a bio-hazard symbol, it's locked. You use the symbols you have to travel, treat diseases, grab samples, or sometimes do special character actions. You can use aid dice from the CDC to buy aid from the event cards. You can also give other players samples, but the only requirement is, you need to be on the same continent. You can try for a cure at the end of your turn by rolling all the matching infection dice you collected as samples. If the sum of the dice is 13 or more, it's cured. This is why it's good to take a lot of samples. Once all 4 diseases have been cured, you win. Unfortunately, there is a lot working against you. After a player is completely done, they must add more infection dice to the globe. No continent can have more than 3 dice of one color. If you have to add more, you have an outbreak and it spreads to the neighboring continent. 8 outbreaks and you lose. Also, remember those bio-hazards I mentioned? They move the marker up the infection rate, meaning the more of them you roll, the faster the diseases come out. If you get to high on that track, you lose. Also, if you run out of dice to infect with, you lose.
We played 8 games in a row on the easiest setting. We lost every one of them. We never cured more than 2 diseases. I played one game solo (really me playing 2 players) and I almost won. I was a few samples away from curing the last disease. Obviously, we love the game. I mean, I played it 9 times. It really does hate us though. We will have our comeuppance soon.
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