Concept 4-12 players
I love charades. I'm not a huge fan of the game, but I love using the charades mechanic in real life situations. I'll be out with Liz and I'll want to remind her that we have a new episode of Ultimate Survival Alaska to watch, so I start making weird motions with my hands. Liz will roll her eyes and yell at me a lot, but eventually she figure out what the crap I'm going on about. I love it. She hates it.
I had heard about Concept when it was a nominee for the Spiel De Jahres and knew I needed it when I watched it played on Gamenight!. It's charades confined to a board. You use colored tokens (look familiar?) on a board filled with symbols for everything from gender to geometric shapes. Big tokens represent the big ideas and the small cubes will add context to the matching color theme. It's not too hard when you are doing nouns or verbs, but get much harder when you need to convey the phrase "get up on the wrong side of the bed" for example. The person giving clues can use the tokens however they want to on the board, but can only ever say yes if they talk at all. If you aren't getting anywhere, you can bring in a friend to help. There is a point system but we never bother. This makes it more of a group activity than a game.
We all had at least one go at giving clues. Most of us had two goes. I started us out to get the ball rolling and they took to it fast. Most people picked medium or easy concepts for their first and on the second attempt, they took it up a notch. Everyone was successful eventually. The last one required a tag in. It's sometimes good to get an outside perspective. The biggest hurdle of this game is knowing all your options for clues. As we played, I made sure to point out certain icons if it seemed like the answers were leaning a certain way. It was a really great and relaxing game to play for a lunch.
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