Saturday, November 7, 2015

Passing Time With __________.

Today was game day! The game wasn't until 7:30 so we had some time to kill. Liz and I went to some restaurant to meet up with her parents. While we waited for them to show up we played Zombie Fluxx. I won both times.
Once the rents did arrive we needed a new game.  They seemed eager to play...

Cards Against Humanity 3-10 players
My brother got this game for me just before anyone had ever heard about it. It's a great game. I even got an expansion to boot. I'm not as huge a fan as I used to be though. (No to say I was a huge fan to begin with) People keep playing in groups of like 10 or 12 and it slows the pace down and gets tired fast. The worst part is people seem to love to call back to previous times they played and the silly answer they saw before. It's not really funny if you weren't there and/or you've played the game more than 5 times. I find the game is at its best when I play with people who really work with the answers. It's one thing to read and answer and laugh; it's another to read the answer and play off of it. That way answers never get old.
We played two games of it, one before the food and one after. I won the first game. I tied for the win with Carol in the second game. Thom really liked the game, but didn't do very well. He'd often get irritated at the card czar's pick. That might sound bad, but the fact he was engaged speaks volumes.
The games did elicit a few comments from the crowd. Mostly along the lines of how it's their favorite game or how we should join up tables to include them. These comments made me a little sad. It's an okay game. With the group I was in, it was a fine game. I wasn't really laughing to much, but I found it entertaining. I have trouble seeing how it could be someone's favorite game. It's a little like hearing an adult say their favorite food is PB&J's.

Tally: 142/176  Bonus: 35/50

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