Monday, June 22, 2015

Free Time

After Liz got home and we ate dinner, she wasn't to exhausted to play a game. After a bit of back and forth she decided on...

Alhambra 2-6 players
 I don't remember when we got this. It was certainly earlier than later. I know I had heard about it though Wil Wheatons Tabletop. It was an easy game to learn and I had a feeling Liz would get a kick out of it. She did. I got one of the better expansions and a promo for a little variety too. In the game, you all start with a fountain and some money cards in different color currency. You build your alhambra buy buying buildings in the four different currencies and get extra actions when you pay with exact change. You score points at the end of each round based on who has the most of each of the 6 types of buildings and by the length of the wall surrounding your alhambra. It's very interesting and a little bit stressful, especially when someone nabs the perfect building away from you and does it with exact change.
We played with about half the expansion modules. Normally Liz starts with a grand lead, but she was trailing most of the game. By the third round, she was just cheering me on to beat Dirk, the automated third player used in two player games. She did well enough not to be beaten by Dirk, but it was grim for a while. I was miles ahead. Everything just came together for me.
This is a really great game. I feel like it one of those games that can be easily overlooked when people think of  great gateway games. I should bring this to game nights more. It's a classic.

Tally: 65/153  Bonus: 20/50

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