Tuesday, June 23, 2015

One Card at a Time

I'm surprised it took this long, but we finally played...

Love Letter 2-4 players
If you want a simple game it doesn't get much more simple than this. It's a whole lot of game for just 16 cards. There are 8 different numbered characters in the deck. Every player starts with one card. The current player draws one card and plays one of the two cards they have. Each card has a special action that will occur. You might be able to attempt an assassination, look at another players card, challenge another player to a duel, decree protection, force a player to discard, or trade cards with another player. You win the round if you are the last one alive or if you have the highest value card when the cards run out. The winner gets a token (I got special heart tokens for this game) and once a player gets enough tokens they win.
Normally we play this one at least once a week. It's really easy to play and can fit in your pocket, not to mention it takes up almost no table space. Sarah joined in on this game. She started out behind, but then dominated the rest of the game.
This game has about 5 billion different editions. Some of them change the play a bit, but not much. If you are looking for a small game, you really have no reason not to at least look at this one.

Tally: 66/153  Bonus: 20/50

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