This game is a lot like The Simpsons: Bart's Trivia Game, but plays a little faster. You still answer trivia questions. There are still 5 levels of difficulty. You still earn characters, but not as cards. It's kept track of on a check box sheet. You still do Pictionary or Charades to earn characters. The only other differences are that the questions are less focused on Bart and you only have to answer 2 trivia question correctly instead of 3 to earn the chance to get a character.
Liz, Sarah, Carol, and Thom played in on this one. It went a lot faster since most of the easy question were true false and the shorter question bar. Liz was pretty good at answering on Pictionary and moved fast on the track. I was close behind, but she still won the game.
I liked that it played faster, but it's still in the donation pile as far as we are all concerned.
Superfight: The Loot CrateDeck 2-10 players
This was another game I got from a co-worker who was trying to reduce his game collection. He kind of left it on my desk and it was small enough that I didn't bother seeing if I wanted it or not. It's barely a game since the rules don't indicate and ending point or an overall winner. Imagine the argument of Batman vs Superman made with a kind of Apples to Apples mechanic. Two players draw 3 character and 3 modification cards. They each pick one character and one modification to be their fighter. Each player reveals their choice and then gives the group there reasoning why their fighter would win in a fight. The other players vote and the max vote wins the fight. The loser is removed and another player creates a new fighter to go up against the winner. A fighter with 3 wins in a row is retired. I assume the game ends when the cards run out or the players are sick of the game. There are some special modification cards that can be added if you want to make a location or rules or extra weapons for the fight.
We started with Liz, Carol, Thom and myself, but as people started showing up some people entered and others left. Occasionally we would call for a tie breaker vote from the crowd of non-players. None of us ever created a fighter that was retired, but a few came close. We did use the special modifications after a few rounds just to see how they played. After we exhausted the decks we put it away.
They "game" is pretty good. It's a lot of stupid fun. It's hilarious to hear some of the bizarre reasoning why one fighter would win over another. Like how even though King Arthur with acid filled water balloons could take down the army of skeletons with machetes while all riding on a roller coaster, the skeletons would just put themselves back together and dominate. If I ever see any other the other Superfight decks, I may add them too the collection.
We did get one more game in before dinner. Becky, Carl, Christina(?), Liz and I played Diamonds. I still love this game. I didn't do too horrible, but Christina killed us all. Never go up against a Norwegian when diamonds are on the line.
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