Monday, April 13, 2015

Alive and Kicking

I got an special message in my inbox today. It was an alert for...

EJiPT 2-4 players
I saw an ad for the Kickstarter a year or so ago and had to click. I loved the art style. The game seemed cute and innovative too. It's pretty short and simple. You roll a 4 sided die (pyramid) and move any number of spaces up to that number. Whatever tile you land on will alter the temple corridor in some way (moving the room, rotating the room, or deactivating the room.) Once you make it to the end of the corridor, you get 3 ankhs to return to the temple. Once you return the ankhs, you've lifted the curse and you can finally exit the temple. It seemed like the perfect pub game. Unfortunately, they canceled the project due to low funding. I really wanted to play, so I grabbed what art I could and made my own version. The game just, and I mean today, relaunched on Kickstarter and I gladly pledged to get an official copy. Feel free to check it out and chip in if you want.
Today's game lasted a lot longer than usual. It was a reverse tug-of-war where both of us needed to get rid of the purple ankh, but both of us were hoping to get the other to flip the purple board back over. Eventually I flipped it and had the lead for a short second. On my way to place the red ankh, I tripped on my shoe laces and turn the lights out in the red room. Liz ran off with the win.

Tally: 9/147  Bonus: 2/50

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