After work we played another train card game.
Yardmaster Express 2-5 players
This is a tiny little card drafting game that I helped kickstart. You are each building trains. Each player starts with an engine and builds from there. The start player draws as many cards as there are players. After drawing one, he adds one to the end of his train and passes the cards to his left. The new player adds a card to the hand and also adds one to their train. This continues until each player has placed 7 cards (in a 2-player game) on their train. Every card has a left and a right train car. Above each car is a number (between 2 and 4) and a color (yellow, green, red, blue, and possibly purple). When adding a card to the end of your train (on the right side) The color or number at the end of your train must match the left side of the card you lay down. If you have no matches, you can play the back of any card in you hand. The back of every card has two 2 cars and are each grey which is a wild color. Players score for the value of all their trains and the player with the longest series of one color scores a point for every car in that color. There are also caboose cards that can be added for bonus points on varying train characteristics.
We planned to play 2 games (with bonus cabooses), but the cards hated me. In every game, I never had a chance. Liz got all the high point cards and I just saw junk. When we played games where I finally got some good cards, the caboose would give her bonus points for not playing high value cards. These cards had something against me. I think we played 5 or 6 game before I finally won. Sure, I still like it. It's just got some splainin' to do.
Backgammon 2 players
I'm not sure why Liz and I got into Backgammon. I was really introduced to the game by Chuck after he got back from Bulgaria. It's a nice relaxing game, but that was years ago. In my search for a small chess board it also happen that backgammon board was on the inside. Since the board only came with backgammon pieces and not chess pieces I relearned backgammon. I swapped out the pieces and the dice eventually, since the components that came with the board were crappy and I wanted the dice to match the tokens. We have yet to use the doubling die since we never really play with the intent on doing a series of games. Of course, we usually play at least two.
Liz wanted to play this after. She says she never wins, but that's not true. She claims the dice hate her. That might be true. I nearly gammoned her in the first game, so we switched colors. It was really close. She won with me having a pip count of 6. I may never get her to let me play as black again.
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