Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Japanese Mexican Food

We went out for trivia again. We lost by a lot. Afterward, Sarah stuck around for a game of...

Sushi Go! 2-5 players
This is one of the cutest games I own. It reminds me of the talking fruits and veggies in the Muppets. It's a game about eating Sushi obviously. It's a simplified 7 Wonders. This card drafting game takes place over 3 rounds. Each kind of sushi you add to your plate scores differently. The way they score is printed on each cards. Usually it's based off of sets, combinations, or majorities. After tallying scores for 3 rounds, highest score is the winner.
This is the first game I've gotten to play with the Soy Sauce promo. The game was pretty back and forth. Liz started in the lead. I jumped ahead in the next round with Sarah close behind. I was able to keep the cards on my side for the last round. Liz and Sarah tied for last. This a really good small game. It's quick and pretty understandable. The bartender even got a kick out of how cute it was.

Tally: 53/152  Bonus: 13/50

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