Sunday, October 4, 2015


I was able to play another game not crossed off from my list when we went to dinner at Frack Burger.

Monty Python Fluxx 2-6 players
With all the craziness of regular Fluxx it almost seems like it was meant to be paired with Monty Python. Oddly, this is my least favorite Fluxx in my collection. I just don't feel like I ever have anything going on in my hand where I can say to myself, "Okay, if I can just get this card..." I often look at what I have and hope for an all new hand. It is a very silly game and that is also a detractor. Some of the cards have overly complicated rules. So complicated, I don't bother playing them.
We played a series a three games. I won, lost, then won. None of the games went on too long. In fact. I don't think we ever even got halfway through the deck. I was most entertained when the cards required quoting lines or singing songs from the show. I didn't mind singing myself, but I loved hearing what little Liz could remember. She actually sang a Spike Jones song once by mistake.

Tally: 117/174  Bonus: 29/50

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